Labour protection

OPS PETROLEUM – is one of the oldest oil refineries in Kazakhstan. The company's management pays particular attention to safety and working conditions of workers, prevention of technological risks, reduction of harmful environmental emissions. Work on safety and labour protection  in "OPS PETROLEUM" TOO is being  performed in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an Uniform Control System of Labour Protection of "OPS PETROLEUM" TOO  and the international standard OHSAS 18001: 2007 "Management System of labour protection  and safety." In Kazakhstan "refinery" the complex of preventive actions of technical and organizational nature, aimed at ensuring the safe and uninterrupted operation of the refinery facilities, as well as at ensuring the sanitary - everyday conditions for refinery workers is carried out.

In conducting the preventive work on safety and labour protection a special attention is paid on immediate action on elimination of detected comments, improvement of the control services of the refinery, involvement of public inspectors of workshops to the solution of safety issues and labor protection.

A three-stage control of the state of safety and industrial hygiene is being exercised.

The first stage of control is carried out daily by the chief of installation master, the public inspector on safety and labour protection  in the trade union committee. The second stage of control is carried out once a week by the head of the department, together with the chairman of the shop committee, the public inspector on safety and labour protection in the trade union committee. The third stage of control in the workshops of the refinery is carried out once a month under the direction of chief specialists of the refinery.

For the purpose of working off the interaction between the emergency services and technological personnel, fire drill and emergency response training are conducted at technological installations according to plans of accident elimination. According to the "Norms of free issue of special clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers of " OPS PETROLEUM " TOO,  refinery  workers are

provided with special clothes, special footwear, means of personal respiratory protection - filter masks, minifilters, respirators. During the repair work hose masks of mark PSH-1, PSH-2 are applied. Moreover, employees are provided with safety devices (belts, dielectric mats and so on.), hand protection (gauntlets, gloves), head protection (helmet, slam), face protection (face mask, scute), eyes protection (protective glasses), hearing protection (muffs),  protective disinfectants (cream, ointment).

Staff of the technological workshops, where hydrogen sulphide can be allocated, is provided with individual gas analyzers. On the basis of the Law "On compulsory insurance of employee fr om accidents at execution of labour (official) duties" all refinery workers are insured against accidents. And also medical insurance on a case of an illness of employees of the refinery  is led. This insurance includes a medical examination of workers who are exposed to harmful, dangerous and unfavorable factors of production.

In order to prevent various infectious diseases, viral diseases, preventive measures: the annual seasonal influenza vaccination, fluorography are conducted. Daily pre-shift medical examination of drivers and electricians is carried out. Workshops and divisions of the refinery are equipped with medicine bag for emergency aid.

Employees of technological workshops, working in shifts, repair, maintained and replacement staff of hazardous industries, as well as employees, working for the overhaul of technological installations are provided once per shift with free hot meals.

0,5 liters milk per shift is given for refinery workers in order to prevent occupational diseases and health promotion activity.

Sanitary - everyday conditions of workers, drinking mode, the quality of food and milk are under the constant supervision of engineers and medical teams.

In order to inform collective of the refinery about the status and ongoing work in the field of safety and labor protection, environmental protection, fire and gas safety, a monthly a meeting of engineering - technical workers "Day of health and safety", where is discussed the implementation of the planned activities to improve safety, labour protection, environment and industrial safety,  is held.

Induction training on health and safety, fire and gas safety is conducted with all newly hired employees at the refinery, visitors and employees of other organizations, regardless of their education, work experience by profession or position.

Instructing at the workplace, primary, repeated, unplanned, target instructing are conducted in divisions of the refinery.

In the training section of the refinery classes are equipped: computer class - computer literacy training program, class of training of first aid using an electronic training simulator "Gosh."

Newly hired employees of the refinery are trained on adaptation program, which includes a course on health and safety, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, fire and gas safety, industrial safety, environmental protection and others.

Training of workers of professions with the increased risk is conducted: gas facilities operators, crane operators, slingers, and others.

rules and regulations for occupational safety, availability of which is provided by the corporate site "OPS PETROLEUM" TOO and in the printed version in each division of the refinery. There are also instructions on safety and health for each profession and for certain types of work,  associated with increased risk. Annually regulatory and technical literature on health and safety, visual aids, reference books, posters, technical means are acquired.

Testing Center "Central Laboratory" of the refinery exercises control over the state of air environment in industrial premises of the workshops, facilities on  existence of harmful substances.

Monitoring on existence of harmful production factors of a working zone in the closed production premises (noise, vibration, light, meteorological factors) is quarterly carried out.

Periodically, a mandatory attestation of industrial facilities on working conditions is carried out.

Results of the attestation are used in planning and execution of labor protection measures, for a substantiation of provision of benefits and compensation for work in harmful and hazardous working conditions.

According to the requirement of the Law "On civil protection" "OPS PETROLEUM" TOO  is declared as hazardous production object, wh ere the possibility of the harmful effects of hazardous production factors on the population and environment is  not excluded. Dangerous production factors on production objects, and also population, which is in a zone of their possible influence are defined.

The assessment of a radiation situation of objects of the refinery, in accordance with the  sanitary and epidemiologic requirements for ensuring the radiation safety of oil and gas objects is periodically carried out.

One of the priorities directions of activities of our refinery is labour protection and safety, which are the factor for stable success of the company.