Policy “OPS PETROLEUM” TOO on management of quality and labour protection and management of safety , environmental protection and energy efficiency and energy saving
The Present Policy defines the key principles of "OPS PETROLEUM" TOO in the field of quality management systems, labour protection and safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and energy saving , which are detailed in the Guide on integrated management system (Guide).
The Present Policy and Guide define and document spheres, and borders of activity of the integrated system of management.
"OPS PETROLEUM" TOO underscores an aspiration to be an example in the oil and gas industry, demonstrating its responsibility to the industry and society by this Policy and regular activities.
Management of the "OPS PETROLEUM" TOO realizes the importance and sets the operation and development of systems in the field of labor protection, environmental protection, quality management, energy efficiency and energy saving the most important goal of the company.
quality management system in accordance with the standard ISO «9001: 2008";
environmental management system in accordance with the standard ISO «14001: 2004";
management system of labor protection and safety in accordance with the standard OHSAS «18001: 2007";
energy management system in accordance with the standard ISO «50001: 2011".
Continuous improvement of the management systems is provided by regular monitoring of these systems, the need for periodic revision of Policy and Guide, as well as obtaining a feedback from all stakeholders.
Compliance with applicable to the refinery laws and other regulations, as well as international standards in the field of quality management, labour protection, safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and energy saving.
Providing an availability of an information for the purposes of measurement of the integrated management system;
Providing the highest possible measurement of performance of the existing integrated management system with the aim of monitoring and improvement, as well as availability of reporting and control information.
Providing for employees and contractors a safe working environment, and the formation a responsible attitude of the staff to quality management, environmental protection, energy efficiency and labour protection.
Control and prevention of environmental pollution, reduction of harmful effects to a minimum, taking into account social and economic factors.
Determination, elimination or control and minimization of potential risks to the health and safety of employees, contractors and population.
Support of procurement of energy-saving and environmentally friendly products, as well as adhering to the principles of energy efficiency of works and services.
Improving the efficiency of monitoring for quality control, labor protection, energy efficiency and environmental aspects for an identification of problems and a further formulation of goals and objectives and their achievement for ensuring sustainable development of the company.
Monitoring and analysis of the top management of the organization with the aim of continuous improvement of systems in the field of quality, health protection, safety, energy efficiency and energy saving, and environmental protection.
Provision of the present Policy in the free access to the public and interested parties.
Conduct a documented familiarization of all employees, contractors and other stakeholders with requirements of this Policy.
All employees and contractors are responsible for the implementation of their duties in accordance with the present Policy.
The top management of "OPS PETROLEUM" TOO takes on the responsibility for the implementation of this Policy, as well as the achievement the objectives and tasks in the field of quality, labour protection, safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and energy saving, as well as the regular analysis of the suitability and, if it necessary the revision of this Policy.