Policy in the field of environmental protection, which that conforms to international standards ISO 9001 and 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001 acts at OPS PETROLEUM, TOO. The main objective of this program – is ensuring environmental safety of the refinery activity by minimizing harmful effects on the environment and prevention of irrational use of natural resources .
Since 2005, the OPS PETROLEUM, TOO has implemened a comprehensive long-term environmental program, aimed at reducing an impact on the environment, minimizing environmental risks.
Increase of production and ecological efficiency – is one of the main objectives of the modernization program of the OPS PETROLEUM, TOO, along with the improvement of quality of petroleum products and increase the depth of processing.
In medium-term prospect at the refinery it is planned to realize a number of projects, aimed at protecting the atmospheric air, water bodies.
Among the projects, aimed at atmospheric air protection – is construction of mechanical treatment facilities of closed type, building automatic installation of the clock filling of light oil products in railway tanks with recovery of hydrocarbon gases.
Commissioning of the mechanical treatment facilities of closed type will allow significantly to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, as well as to improve qualitative treatment of industrial waste water of the enterprise.
Commissioning of the automatic installation of the clock filling of light oil products in railway tanks with recovery of hydrocarbon gases will allow to reduce the loss of hydrocarbons into the atmosphere during bulk operations.
OPS PETROLEUM, TOO is one of the largest water consumers in Kazakhstan.
In order to reduce water consumption at the enterprise there is a constant improvement of production technology, methods of wastewater treatment are being implemented, control of volumes of water consumption and water removal, and also control of quality of discharged wastewater are being exercised.
To improve the qualitative composition of the discharged wastewater at the refinery it is planned to introduce the finishing block (desalination) of water treatment, which will be installed after the wastewater treatment facilities. Building of the block will allow to return to the production cycle up to 80% of water used by the refinery.