Fire safety


The main purpose of industrial safety – is prevention and / or minimization of consequences of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities of the refinery. Industrial safety is provided by the production control.

Production control – is a component part of the system of industrial safety management, implemented through a complex of measures, aimed at ensuring the safe operation of hazardous production facilities of the refinery, at the prevention of accidents and incidents at these facilities and ensuring the preparedness for localization of accidents and incidents and elimination of their consequences.

Tasks of production control over observance of industrial safety requirements are ensuring compliance with the requirements of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities of the refinery, as well as identifying the circumstances and causes of disorders, that affect to the security status of the work.

In  implementation of production control the following problems are being solved:

  • provision and constant control over observance of industrial safety requirements, established by laws and other normative - legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

  • identifying the circumstances and causes of disorders,  affecting the state of industrial safety;

  • analysis of the state of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities of the refinery;

  • development of measures,  aimed at improving the industrial safety and prevention of damage to third parties, the environment;

  • coordination of activities,  aimed at preventing accidents, incidents, technical failures at hazardous production facilities of the refinery and preparedness for localization and liquidation of their consequences;

  • control over timely conducting of tests and examinations of technical devices, electrical equipment, used at hazardous production facilities, repair and checking of measuring instruments of control;
  • constant monitoring over  technological discipline;
  • conduct inspections of industrial safety and identifying dangerous production factors;
  • organization and supervision of training and certification of the factory workers in industrial safety.